Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Matthew Hoh, First U.S. Official to Resign Over the Military Deployment in Afghanistan

First Issue: Military involvement in the Afghanistan theater. 

What do you think? 
Should we be there? 
Should we not?
What are your views on military action in correlation to your spiritual beliefs?
What does military action in this instance lead to in regards to social justice/injustice?

Here is Matthew Hoh's resignation letter, and I think it may give us a look into a side of the Afghani conflict that we don't hear about on Fox News streaming in the deli of the GC. If you see an article arguing the opposite on this issue and would like to share, please feel free to e-mail it to me and I will post it.

Looksee vvv

Please respond to orusocialjusticesociety@gmail.com
It will be more fun for us all, and you will feel famous when you see your name on someone else's website, then you can finally wear that kind-of-out-there-hat that you didn't think you could pull off, but now you have the confidence to sport it (After all, your name is on a website not which is administered by someone else).

For Starters

Hello, everyone!

Welcome to the Social Justice Society blog of Oral Roberts University! I am glad that you spent the time to type out our annoyingly long url and wait on the slow wireless in Hava Java to load our page! 

Basically, this site will provide students with different: links, information, and discussions concerning Social Justice issues being addressed by our society and other issues still left unsolved throughout our world. I hope that all of you interested readers spend the time to take a look at the info posted, gather your own thoughts on the issues, and send an e-mail to our account (orusocialjusticesociety@gmail.com-your e-mail may be posted and responded to in future blogs!) discussing your thoughts on the post. 

Don't worry, this blog won't be all business all the time. I hope that it can be an entertaining read and provide you with an outlet to possibly find an issue in our world that you may be able to commit some time to helping solve.

SO, let's start a little bit of interaction, and let me, as your blogger, get to know what issues you feel most strongly about. Send me an e-mail, it can be a single word if you want, on what issue you feel strongly about and why (that one word thing might be hard on the why part).

Until next time,

Michael Rowley
Advisor to the President of
Social Justice Society
Oral Roberts University
Tulsa, Ok
North America
Western Hemisphere
Northern Hemisphere
Milky Way

(a longer title makes me feel more important)